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Introducing EuroDrop Child-Resistant Caps and Why They Are Needed More Than Ever

by Carow Packaging  |   Jun 20, 2024

When we first introduced the EuroDrop® system to the U.S., the response was enthusiastic and immediate. EuroDrop quickly became the premier packaging option when precise measuring was necessary, such as for essential oils, tinctures, herbal extracts and aromatherapy products. Today, it is universally recognized for superior precise drop dispensing, better sealing and lack of insert corrosion.

But we’ve never stopped innovating, which is why adding a child-resistant cap for the EuroDrop system became a priority, and it’s a design enhancement that’s more important now than ever before.

Child-Resistant Caps: A Primer

In 1970, the Poison Prevention Packaging Act (PPPA) was passed. This legislation aimed to protect children from exposure to poisonous and hazardous materials. This act, enforced by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), made child-resistant caps a legal requirement for about 30 categories of medicine and household products. Child-resistant (CR) and Child-resistant/Tamper-evident (CRTE) dropper caps require dexterity to open them—a skill most younger children lack.

To be considered a child-resistant cap, it must be U.S.-Certified for child-resistant testing. An adult re-securing effectiveness test is part of the certification. (It should be noted that a “push turn” cap has received European Certification for child resistance, but the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission does not recognize this certification.)

As a result of this act, poisoning rates of children plummeted and is credited with preventing more than 1.4 million deaths from children under the age of five. However, childhood injuries and fatalities from poisoning have increased in the last few years, especially during the pandemic, raising new awareness and concerns. Those increases coincide with the surge of essential oils. While these events are unrelated, the risks to children amplify as more households integrate these natural extracts into their daily routines.

The Growing Importance of Child-Resistant Caps                                                          

The growth of essential oils has been impressive, from a market size of USD 8.8 billion in 2022 to an expected value exceeding $15 billion by 2027. Essential oils are being increasingly utilized due to an increasing preference for healthy lifestyles and ingredient transparency around the world, particularly in the U.S. According to Grandview Research, “Essential oils are also steadily replacing most chemicals, drugs, and medicines owing to associated health benefits and the decreased risk of side effects.”

Essential oils’ increase in popularity spans across all ages and demographics—including children. Their benefits to kids include sleep improvement and pain and stress reduction. They can even soothe an upset stomach. But their use is not risk-free. According to an article from Johns Hopkins Medicine, “Children are more likely to have adverse reactions to essential oils than adults.” Concerns about essential oil use by children include the following, which also contain some best practices.

  • Children may experience allergic reactions to essential oils, including respiratory symptoms like coughing and wheezing.
  • Oils, when applied in their full form, can be harmful to the skin of children and should always be diluted first.
  • Essential oils should not be added to bathwater. Oil and water do not mix, so the oil will not dilute.
  • Essential oils should never be swallowed.
  • Certain oils are more harmful to children than others. For example, peppermint oil should never be used on children under 30 months old.
  • When applying to a child’s skin, always test a small area of skin and wait 24 hours to see if there is an adverse reaction before using it again.

 Because of these dangers and the growing popularity of essential oils, the benefits of child-resistant caps are significant. Those benefits also include regulatory compliance and competitive differentiation. By ensuring their products use child-resistant caps, essential oil companies can ensure they provide a safe, reliable and trusted product to their customers, ultimately contributing to a safer and more secure home environment.

The Advantages of Carow EuroDrop Child-Resistant Caps

As a premier packaging provider since 1987, Carow has rightly gained a reputation for expertise, as well as for outstanding support, turnaround time and product quality. The many benefits of our EuroDrop child-resistant caps include the following.

  • Specially Designed for EuroDrop, the most precise dispensing solution on the market. Carow is the exclusive producer and supplier of the EuroDrop system in the USA.
  • Fast Turn Around Times. Made-in-the-USA components mean you won’t find supply chain delays, transportation problems or slow response times. You get what you need fast from continually in-stock components.
  • Consistent Quality Production backed by more than 35 years of Carow experience.
  • Available in Multiple Colors: black or white, or custom colors available upon request.
  • Multiple Varieties Available: horizontal w/ .8mm liquid orifice and vertical with six orifice size options.
  • Carow Child-Resistant/Tamper-Evident caps eliminate the need for shrink-banding.

While Carow has long offered several child-resistant caps and child-resistant and tamper-evident caps, introducing these caps for the EuroDrop system is both timely and vital. Ask about our EuroDrop products, including our child-resistant caps, and elevate your product and product safety.

For more information, contact Carow.



Carow Packaging

Author: Carow Packaging



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