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Is Your Supply Chain a Shipwreck?

by Carow Packaging  |   Jul 24, 2024

If the sight of a container ship parked sideways in the Suez Canal made you cringe, you probably, like so many companies around the world, rely on global shipping to facilitate your business—around 90% of international trade in goods is carried by sea. If you source your packaging materials overseas, those materials are very likely to be part of that huge volume of goods transported by cargo ship.

At first glance, overseas shipping can seem like a safe, economical way to put those materials in your hands. It’s far less expensive than air transport, and you could imagine that a transport method that’s been in use for centuries would be safe and reliable.

However, ocean shipping can come with disadvantages that result in production delays, unexpected expenses and unhappy customers. If an ocean voyage is part of your supply chain, here are some problems you could potentially be facing:


Maddening Delays

Transporting goods across the ocean via cargo ship will, naturally, take more time than other methods, but you might be surprised at exactly how much time it takes—ocean transport typically adds 6 to 8 weeks on top of regular production lead times. That normal, expected shipping time could be further increased due to container shortages, inclement weather, port congestion, labor conflicts, customs delays and, yes, the occasional ship parked sideways across a canal. Those delayed shipments lead to delayed production, which inevitably leads to decreased customer satisfaction and even customer loss.


Inconsistent Quality

Simply sourcing packaging materials overseas can, itself, result in quality issues—overseas facilities aren’t subject to the US laws that keep production processes and materials safe and reliable, leaving the possibility for spotty and substandard quality. But overseas shipping adds further opportunities for issues, like contamination and product damage during transit. When you’re putting your essential oil, CBD/THC, beauty, wellness or food and beverage product in the hands of consumers, they’re relying on you to provide a safe product in safe, undamaged packaging.


Product Shortages

Any delays in shipping or issues with production can lead to product shortages—and once a customer has switched to a different brand because your product was unavailable, they’re unlikely to switch back. With overseas shipping, you could face packaging products that don’t arrive when needed—or at all—or low-quality packaging that has to be discarded on arrival. Even the best shipment tracking and inventory management can’t put your product on your shelves if the ship never arrives in port.


Unexpected Costs

Manufacturers are often tempted to save money by sourcing their packaging from overseas vendors for a lower per-item price. However, those cost savings are frequently offset by the rising cost of shipping. Just in recent months, shipping costs have surged due to factors including global supply chain challenges, labor shortages, container shortages and soaring fuel prices. Shipping costs are also subject to currency fluctuations and changing tariffs and fees from country to country. You could be left having to either absorb unexpected costs or pass them along to your customers. What looks like a deal on paper can turn into a disaster at the bottom line.


Environmental Impact

Increasingly, consumers are growing more attentive to the sustainability and ecological impact of the products they buy. They’re demanding more eco-friendly packaging and researching a brand’s sustainability credentials before making purchasing decisions. Ocean shipping can be extremely damaging to the environment—it alone accounts for approximately 3% of greenhouse gas emissions. When potential consumers of your essential oil, CBD/THC, beauty, wellness or food and beverage product see that kind of environmental impact in your supply chain, even if it’s only related to packaging sourcing, they could be deterred from buying your product.


The Value of Packaging Solutions Close to Home

The best way to avoid the potential pitfalls of overseas shipping is to avoid overseas shipping and keep as much production and sourcing as possible in the United States. With onshore suppliers who can get the product in your hands within days, not weeks, you’re able to carry less inventory and adapt more quickly to changes in demand. You can trust your packaging has been manufactured and shipped in accordance with high-quality standards; you and your customers can rest easy, knowing your production process has been easier on the environment.

Carow Packaging stocks bottles in standard sizes and colors, along with dropper caps to fit them, to make packaging readily available and minimize lead time. And our dropper caps and pipettes are manufactured in the United States. That makes for a quicker, more environmentally friendly shipping process while avoiding weather patterns, customs holds and any other issues that might keep your product out on the water instead of in your customers’ hands.

If you want to learn more about avoiding the pitfalls of overseas shipping and feeling safe and secure with packaging solutions made in the U.S.A., give our Solutions Specialists a call at 815-455-4600.

Carow Packaging

Author: Carow Packaging



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